
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The next stop for us was the Cenotaph. The sun may have been beating us down but it did not stop us from learning what we could here.
"They Died That We Might Live"

The cenotaph is an empty tomb erected in memory of the many soldiers who gave their lives during the war to protect this country. The whole structure strives to drive this point home. Made from granite, the Cenotaph seeks to help immortalize their sacrifice by likening it to the enduring qualities of the material which is able to withstand the wear and tear and stand the test of time.  The names of the soldiers are also inscribed on the structure.

While originally constructed to remember the efforts of the soldiers of World War 1 , an additional structure was added to commemorate the sacrifice of the troops who fought in world war 2.

We left the place in awe, wondering what else was in store for us during this trail. (besides dehydration) 


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